Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jill Starr on Warning Local Passaic County Residents To Stay Away From Chilton Hospital!

Jill Starr on Warning Local Passaic County Residents To Stay Away From Chilton Hospital!

Jill Starr on Warning Local Passaic County Residents To Stay Away From Chilton Hospital!

I will also add that now I am scared beyond belief to go to the emergency room at Chilton Hospital in Pomtpon Plains NJ. WHY (?)

Ever since the Bloomingdale, NJ police illegally forced me to continually go into the psychiatric ward at Chilton against my and my doctors will whenever I make a local police report when I feel my life is endangered,

when I am physically ill with the flu or something, I notice when I go to the Chilton Hospital emergency room, instead of taking my injury seriously, the doctors just ask me if I want to go into the psychiatric section upstairs, strongly suggesting I am being ”paranoid.” Instead of offering me good medical care.

I can never get nondiscriminatory emergency medical care at Chilton hospital without the hospital itself insisting that I am just being ”paranoid.” And they always call my psychiatrist whenever I go to their hospital even for the flu!

This has led to Arnold Stark my former professor advising me to always go to St Joseph’s Hospital in Wayne NJ instead which I do n ow.
Tags: chilton hospital, pompton plains, nj, usa
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Jill Starr
1 Stars
Jill Starr members.fortunecity... Mar 26 2009
bloomingdale, United States
IN fact it is on report that even last time a month or so ago when I went to the Chilton hospital emergency room being very ill, they asked me if I wanted to go into their mental ward upstairs. Why (?)

Merely, owing to their not being able to find anything physically wrong with me at that time. Just because Chilton could not at that time find anything physically wrong with me did not warrant them calling my psychiatrist asking her, Dr. Wang in Wayne NJ USA, if I ought to be committed into the hospital.

The emergency room personnel should have released me because they considered me ”well.” Not harassing me and committing more gross disability discrimination against me as usual.

And just because they could not find the problem, did not mean I did not have one. I actually thought it could have been related to my medications and a neurological matter, and Chilton would not check for that at all!

Jill Starr NJ USA
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Jill Starr
1 Stars
Jill Starr members.fortunecity... Mar 26 2009
bloomingdale, United States
I rather have Radovan Karadzic give me medical care and get his advice on my so called ”psychiatric condition” than receive care from the American medical community here locally.

It has been a nightmare!
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Bloomingdale New Jersey Police Officer's Come in my House and Turn Up My Oven to High!

Bloomingdale New Jersey Police Officer's Come in my House and Turn Up My Oven to High!

During the time when I was complaining about constant gas leaks in my home, a bunch of Bloomingdale, NJ policemen came over about 7PM at night to investigate before the major fire at my house.

They threatened me that if I call anyone about a gas leak again, they’d take me to the local mental hospital.

While one officer told me I could not go out or call the police anymore that night, one officer sneaked over to my oven in my kitchen and turned it up on high like he was trying to start a fire while I was complaining about my gas leaks!